

The link.xml file can be used to override default behavior for displaying the various dashboard links (along the left and right columns only).   By creating entries in this file you can suppress the display of certain links as well as add additional custom links to the various dashboards.

Note: this functionality is enabled by creating the necessary entries in the link.xml file, which resides in your system's config directory.  You cannot manage this functionality via the user interface.

The following actions can be accomplished via link.xml entries:





This file can be viewed/edited by your Unanet Administrator with any standard text editor.   This file is not a required file.

WARNING - All changes to the link.xml file should take place in the file located in your config directory.  DO NOT attempt to modify the copy of the link.xml file packaged within the unanet.war file (this can result in unpredictable system behavior).  

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In order to create these entries, you will need to understand the xml definition in the unanet.dtd and the internal refids, roles values, etc., which you may be able to determine by viewing the page source in your browser, however, you should probably contact Unanet Support for assistance with creating appropriate entries for your link.xml file.

Example link.xml file

Note that a sample link.xml file is included in your config directory by default with a number of common entries commented out.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE links SYSTEM "unanet.dtd">


   <!-- Example - changing the roles for a How To link -->

   <!--           with multiple roles (pipe delimited) -->

   <!-- <unanet-link refid="">   -->

   <!--    <role>administrator|manager</role>          -->

   <!-- </unanet-link>                                 -->


   <!-- Example - removing the Notes quick link                       -->

   <!-- <unanet-link refid="home.quick-links.notes" suppress="true"/> -->


   <!-- Example - removing the Accrual Balance quick link                         -->

   <!-- <unanet-link refid="time.quick-reports.accrual-balance" suppress="true"/> -->


   <!-- Example - removing the Leave Balance quick link                         -->

   <!-- <unanet-link refid="time.quick-reports.leave-balance" suppress="true"/> -->


   <!-- Example - removing the Project Status quick report                           -->

   <!-- <unanet-link refid="projects.quick-reports.project-status" suppress="true"/> -->


   <!--  Example - removing the "News and Demonstrations from" how-to link -->

   <!-- <unanet-link refid="" suppress="true"/> -->

   <!-- <unanet-link refid="" suppress="true"/> -->


   <!-- Example - adding custom links to CNN News on both the Home and Admin Dashboards  -->

   <!--                  Each entry must be individually specified by including a complete block of xml as in the example below. -->

   <!--                  That is, you cannot include multiple dashboard paths in a single entry. -->

   <!--   valid paths: /home                           -->

   <!--                    /admin                          -->

   <!--                    /reports                         -->

   <!--                    /projects                        -->

   <!--                    /people                          -->

   <!--                    /time                             -->

   <!--                    /expense                       -->

   <!--                    /billing                           -->

   <!--                    /forecast                        -->

   <!--                    /organizations                -->

   <!-- <custom-link path="/home">              -->

   <!--   <source>CNN News</source>          -->

   <!--   <destination></destination> -->

   <!--   <target>_blank</target>                   -->

   <!-- </custom-link>                                  -->

   <!-- <custom-link path="/admin">              -->

   <!--   <source>CNN News</source>          -->

   <!--   <destination></destination> -->

   <!--   <target>_blank</target>                   -->

   <!-- </custom-link>                                  -->


   <!-- Example - adding custom link to Home Dashboard for multiple roles (administrator and manager in this example)    -->

   <!--                  When dealing with roles you can include multiple role entries in a single role tag separated by a pipe character.  -->

   <!--   valid roles: administrator                -->

   <!--                   prAdministrator             -->   

   <!--                   projectManager              -->

   <!--                   projectLead                    -->

   <!--                   projectApprover               -->

   <!--                   projectViewer                  -->

   <!--                   customer                       -->

   <!--                   billingManager                 -->

   <!--                   billingViewer                    -->

   <!--                   resourcePlanner              -->

   <!--                   resourceAssigner            -->

   <!--                   resourceRequestor          -->

   <!--                   HRAdministrator             -->

   <!--                   manager                       -->

   <!--                   viewer                           -->

   <!--                   arAdmin                       -->

   <!--                   arPoster                       -->

   <!--                   arUser                          -->

   <!--                   arViewer                        -->

   <!--                   apAdmin                       -->

   <!--                   apPoster                       -->

   <!--                   apUser                          -->

   <!--                   apViewer                       -->

   <!--                   glAdmin                       -->

   <!--                   glPoster                       -->

   <!--                   glUser                          -->

   <!--                   glViewer                        -->

   <!--                   glBudgetManager            -->

   <!--                   timesheetUser               -->

   <!--                   expenseUser                  -->

   <!--                   unaSourceUser              -->

   <!--                   costRateManager           -->

   <!--                   costBudgetManager        -->

   <!--                   costBudgetViewer           -->

   <!--                   billRateManager           -->

   <!--                   billBudgetManager        -->

   <!--                   billBudgetViewer           -->

   <!-- <custom-link path="/home">               -->

   <!--   <source>CNN News</source>          -->

   <!--   <destination></destination>      -->

   <!--   <target>_blank</target>                                        -->

   <!--   <role>administrator|manager</role>                        -->

   <!-- </custom-link>                                                        -->  



Note: all lines beginning with    <!--    and ending with    -->      are comments.  In order to activate the commented out example entries in the default file above, you would need to remove the comment symbols from before and after the desired rows.


Note: if you want to add the same link to multiple dashboards, you would need to create separate entries for each dashboard (ie you cannot combine these entries).

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