This report can be run to provide a forecast of cost or revenue information in a Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly layout. The report can optionally be run with Budget (aka Assignment) or Plan information, and can also optionally include Actuals through a particular date.
This report is available to users having any of the following roles: Administrator, HR Administrator, P&R Administrator, Manager and Viewer.
This report is available with the Project Portfolio family of licenses.
Topics covered on this help page include:
Selection Criteria (options available to tailor report output)
The Use Probability Percent control has a dual purpose.
a. It affects the amounts (Hours * Rate) shown for the PLANS only. The amounts shown are the result of the following calculation: (Hours * Rate * Probability %), where Probability % is entered in the Project > Profile > Budget.
b. It also can function as a filter for including projects in the report output. Any project that has Probability % <= the specified value will NOT be included in the output.