
The dashboard_message.properties file can be used to display custom messages on the various system dashboards by user role.  

Note: this functionality is enabled by creating the necessary entries in the dashboard_message.properties file, which resides in your system's config directory.  You cannot manage this functionality via the user interface.

This file can be viewed/edited with any standard text editor.   

This file is not required.

The following items can be accomplished via dashboard_message.properties entries:

Note that you can include html tags within these messages for formatting or even including a link as in the example below:
<a href=”http://www.unanet.com”  target=”_blank”>Unanet</a>

Note that on the properties that allow for the inclusion of HTML tags to provide formatting, here are a few basic tags that you might find useful. 


For example, the following text included in a property...


<font color="red">This is red</font>

<b>This is bold</b>

<i>This is italic</i>

<font color="red"><b><i>This is red, bold and italic</i></b></font>


...would yield this output:





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Example dashboard_message.properties file

The syntax necessary to create entries is defined in the example below (which is also available in the default dashboard_message.properties file included with the system).

# This file will control dashboard messages in your Unanet system.
# Each message should be grouped by a unique id (e.g., msg1, msg2, etc.) and
# comment lines should begin with a pound sign (#). Also, there should be
# no carriage return/line feeds (new lines) for entries.  For example, do
# not copy and paste the roles example below -- the line feeds are added
# for readability only and would not be appropriate in an actual entry.
# Remember to restart your servlet engine after modifying this file.
# The following describes each attribute that you can set for a message:
# title
#   Optional. This will control the text in the title of the dashboard
#   message. If not present, the default value is "System Message".
# message
#   Required. This is the actual message to display.  Keep in mind that you
#   can use html to format this value (see examples below).
# dashboards
# Optional. Controls which dashboard(s) the message will appear

# on. If not present, the message will show on all dashboards.

# If multiple dashboards are desired, separate them with a pipe

# symbol (|).


# Note: The "billing" value in the example below controls the

# Invoicing & Posting Dashboard. Possible values are:


# login|home|organizations|projects|people|forcast|time|expense|financials|

# accounts_payable|accounts_receivable|billing|general_ledger|admin|reports


# roles

# Optional. Controls which type of user will see the message. If not

# present, all roles will see this message. If multiple roles are

# desired, separate them with a pipe symbol (|). The following is a

# complete list of valid values. Remember, the tilde (~) at the end

# of a role signifies an alternate for the listed role.


# administrator|manager|manager~|projectManager|projectManager~|

# timesheetUser|timesheetUser~|expenseUser|expenseUser~|customer|

# customer~|viewer|viewer~|unaSourceUser|unaSourceUser~|

# costRateManager|costRateManager~|billRateManager|billRateManager~|

# HRAdministrator|projectLead|projectLead~|projectApprover|

# projectApprover~|projectController|prAdministrator|arAdmin|

# arPoster|arUser|arViewer|apAdmin|apPoster|apUser|apViewer|

# glAdmin|glPoster|glUser|glViewer|glBudgetManager
# order
#   Optional. Controls the order of messages (if multiple messages are
#   displayed). This value should be only numeric numbers greater than
#   zero. Any other values will be ignored. Keep in mind that the system
#   may add warning or error messages above any of your custom ones.
# Example message for all users and all dashboards

#msg1.title=All-Employee Notices
#msg1.message=The system will be down on Friday for maintenance.


# Example message for all administrators on the home and admin dashboards
#msg2.title=Administrative Notices
#msg2.message=Administrators are great...


# Example message for alternate managers only on the People dashboard.
#msg3.title=Alternate Manager Notice!
#msg3.message=<font color=red>All alternate managers, please <b>only</b> approve for the primary manager if her or she is unable to do so</font>


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